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How does sabbath look like with Entrepenuer/homeschool families?

Writer's picture: Christal  MarshallChristal Marshall

Rethinking Sabbath Rest for the Entrepreneurial Family

Today, I want to dive into a topic that has been on my mind lately: what does Sabbath rest look like for entrepreneurial families, especially those who homeschool? As I’ve been researching this, I’ve noticed a pattern that’s left me feeling frustrated and a bit overwhelmed.

Let’s set the scene. It’s Thursday and Friday, and for many of us, those days are consumed with preparation for the week ahead. We’re cooking up a storm, meal prepping, organizing schedules, and ensuring that everything is in place. But here’s the catch: all of this “preparation” doesn’t feel like rest to me. It feels like a never-ending cycle of work that leaves little room for actual downtime.

When Saturday rolls around, I often find myself thinking: is heating up food really rest? Is spending a few hours not cooking enough to recharge? For many entrepreneurs, the concept of Sabbath can feel more like another task on the to-do list rather than a true period of rest.

I’ve also been looking into how homeschool families approach rest. Again, it seems that much of the responsibility falls on the woman in the family. Yes, there’s family prayer time and meal prep, but who is managing those meals? Who is running the grocery shopping? It often feels like a one-sided effort.

In my quest for insight, I stumbled upon a blog by a pastor outlining his ideal Sabbath schedule. It went something like this:

- 7 a.m. - Wake up and have prayer time

- 8 a.m. - Kids wake up

- 9 a.m. - Go for a run

- 10 a.m. - Spend time with friends

As I read through his schedule, I couldn’t help but wonder: where is the mention of the wife’s time? Who is watching the kids while he goes for his run? And who is responsible for dinner preparation later in the day? It’s disheartening to see the focus on the man’s rest while the woman’s role remains largely unacknowledged.

This imbalance has prompted me to explore a deeper issue: the perception of Sabbath among women, particularly those balancing business ownership and homeschooling.

I’m currently reading a book that addresses women’s perspectives on Sabbath, but I crave more real-world examples, especially from those who are navigating the complexities of modern life.

In Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest, by Ruth Haley Barton

How do we find genuine rest when much of our time is consumed with caregiving, household management, and business responsibilities? Traditional views of Sabbath often overlook the realities of parenting, such as feeding, changing, and caring for children—tasks that can’t simply be set aside.

I’m eager to hear from you all. What does your Sabbath look like as a homeschool entrepreneur? How do you carve out time for rest amidst the chaos of family life and work? Are there practices that you’ve found helpful in creating a more balanced approach to rest and rejuvenation?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s start a conversation about how we can redefine Sabbath rest for ourselves and our families in the 21st century. It’s time to acknowledge the hard work that goes into maintaining a household and to explore ways we can all find genuine rest amidst our busy lives.



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